- Publisher: Robert M Findlay
- Printer: Top Read Publisher
- Editor: Robert M Findlay
- Edition: Two
- Available in: Leaflet 5 pg.
- Book ID: 283
- Available: February, 13, 2004
A discussion paper by Robert Findlay, Parks operations manager; “Event benefit maximisation, risk minimisation.”
A number of concerns mean the current situation leaves council exposed to risk through lack of compliance, also to disappointment of organisers and participants.
- Background. The current events calendar lists c50 MCC sponsored events but there are c 1,200 non MCC sponsored managed by Manukau Parks. Part of a total of 26,000 bookings processed .
- Involvement of Parks officers. Includes a sample of the varying types of the estimated 1200 non sponsored events: eg Gypsy fair, Tinkers and Traders, Rex Newton amusements;-
- Filming. Parks has adopted a recent standard template developed for Councils by the Local Governemtn Association.
- Improvements consider necessary in the areas of;-
- Delay in implementing existing events strategy ;-
- Six suggested actions required;-