- Publisher: Robert
- Editor: Robert M Findlay
- Book ID: 157
NZ Turf Management Journal. Feb 2001. R M Findlay. Area Parks Team Leader.
Every Council around the country has developed it’s own way of allocating sports fields to users. Manukau City have invested considerable resources into their system to cope with large areas , many venues and a rapidly growing population . The author describes their computerised system . ( The Manukau Parks Booking and Management System. (PBMS) and the background to it’s development. In 2000 a total of 60,000hours of use were booked across 123 use categories the latest being a “burn out” pad at the Manukau sports bowl.
Footnote includes an advertisement for this facilities asset management software , offered for use by other authorities through Greenwood technology.. No up front capital cost . Lease or purchase.