- Publisher: Advisory Services Division NZMAF
- Printer: Advisory Services Division. NZMAF
- Editor: Robert M Findlay
- Edition: One ( A 2nd illustrated version is proposed 2019)
- Available in: Leaflet 26 pg.
- Book ID: 151
- Published: October 1, 1986
The purpose of this travel by Chief Advisory Officer (Horticulture) was to; a.i. attend the XXII International Horticultural Congress at Davis, California. 11-17 August 1986. To make contact with persons with a similar interest in the symposium on “Extension delivery systems around the world” a.11 As New Zealand representative on the Council of the International Society for Horticultural Science, attend the third council meeting on the 15th August 1896.
b. Additionally take the opportunity to observe i. the market place for NZ horticultural products. ii. Government funded extension services. iii.Some horticultural industry organisations. iv. Deciduous fruit production in California.
The result was an increased understanding of just where NZ fits in the horticulture scene especially in the western USA and Japan. And a more realistic balance between our comparative advantages and disadvantages. With respect to extension services and Industry organisations there are many different ways of achieving the same end.